The difference between the Jewish soul ... and the soul of all the Gentiles ...
is greater and deeper than the difference between the soul of a man and the soul of an animal.
— Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook (1865-1935)
Israel constantly and loudly demands that Arab states must recognize Israel's "right to exist".
But, as Faisal Bodi points out in his article published in the Guardian UK,
Israel simply has no right to exist.Zionism
Zionism represents itself as a political movement concerned principally with the establishment of a state in Palestine to be controlled by and for Jews. It began in the late 19th Century and attained its stated objective with the creation in 1948 of the state of Israel by the United Nations (at the insistence of the United States and without the agreement of existing Middle Eastern states). Subsequently Israel doubled the amount of territory it controlled by means of its illegal occupation of the West Bank in the 1967 and 1973 wars.
Click to enlargeIn its current form Zionism seeks to dominate all of Palestine and the Middle East by means of violence and the threat of violence (using weapons manufactured and purchased with billions of dollars of "aid" supplied by the United States at taxpayer expense) and to maximize its influence in world affairs and in world history, principally by means of control of the government of the USA (primarily by blackmailing its many corrupt politicians), at the expense of the social wellbeing not only of the Palestinians but of the peoples of all lands.
Zionists claim that Jews have the right to possess all land between the Nile and the Euphrates because (they say) this land was given to them by some entity they call "YHWH" as claimed in the Old Testament (Genesis 15:18). But this would not be the first time that documents written by humans were used to justify land grabs. (And this "YHWH" appears, from accounts in the Old Testament, to be a particularly repulsive entity, vain, jealous, given to fits of rage and directing his followers to massacre civilian populations — an entity who, if he existed, would be quite unworthy of the devotion of anyone with a sense of justice and morality.)
Zionists also lay claim to Palestine because this was territory controlled by two Jewish mini-states, Judah and Samaria, until their destruction by the Romans in the 1st C. CE. To which may be replied: If Zionist claims to a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine, based on Jewish occupation of that area 2000 years ago, are accepted as valid then the claims of North American Indians to their former homeland (all of the United States) and the claims of Australian Aborigines to their former homeland (all of Australia) should also be accepted as valid, and those homelands returned. Not to mention the descendants of the inhabitants of countless mini-states which have risen and fallen over the course of thousands of years of human history. Jews have no more rights than anyone else.
Zionists are not content with having acquired a state of their own in Palestine, they also want this state to be for-Jews-only, thus the desire and intention to expel from Israeli-controlled territory all the indigenous inhabitants (a practice sometimes known as ethnic cleansing, a concept derived from the Nazi practice of "cleansing" areas of all Jews so that those areas are then Judenrein).
The idea of transfer had accompanied the Zionist movement from its very beginnings, first appearing in Theodore Herzl's diary. In practice, the Zionists began executing a mini-transfer from the time they began purchasing the land and evacuating the Arab tenants.... "Disappearing" the Arabs lay at the heart of the Zionist dream, and was also a necessary condition of its existence.... With few exceptions, none of the Zionists disputed the desirability of forced transfer — or its morality. — Tom Segev, One Palestine, Complete : Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate, quoted at http://www.thornwalker.com/ditch/snieg_conc1.htmThe Palestinians, being Arabs, are Semites. By their open contempt for, and racist persecution of, the Palestinians the Israelis show that it is they who are the real anti-Semites, and their accusations of anti-Semitism (and the accusations of their American and European coreligionists) cast at all who criticise Jews or Israel amount to no more than blatant hypocrisy.
Xymphora has some revealing Quotes from Zionists, including these:
We came here to a country that was populated by Arabs and we are building here a Hebrew, a Jewish state; instead of the Arab villages, Jewish villages were established. You even do not know the names of those villages, and I do not blame you because these villages no longer exist. There is not a single Jewish settlement that was not established in the place of a former Arab Village. — Moshe Dyan, 1969
Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours . . . Everything we don't grab will go to them. — Ariel Sharon, 1998
Zionism and Judaism
Zionism should not be equated with Judaism. The contemptible treatment of the Palestinians by the Israeli government is supported and approved of by many Jews but not by all Jews. There are some Jews who are totally opposed to Zionism and to Israel's policies in the occupied territories of the West Bank. Here are three websites which express this position:
Zionism is ... racist, it is nationalist, and it is Biblically inspired (rather than spiritually inspired). Being a fundamentalist movement, Zionism is not categorically different from Nazism. Only when we understand Zionism in its nationalist and racist context will we begin to comprehend the depth of its atrocities. — Gilad Atzmon: Not In My Name: An Analysis of Jewish Righteousness
"This is against the will of the Almighty and this is not what it means to be a Jew," says Jewish religious scholar Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a spokesman for "Jews against Zionism", who believes that Israel as a state is not legitimate. He says that Zionism has created "rivers of blood" and he opposes the occupation of Palestine. — Weiss: Zionism has created 'rivers of blood'
See also:
- Israel Shamir: To Those Who Think All Jews Are Pro-Israel & Zionists
- Joe Quinn: Zionist Israel — the True Enemy of the Jewish People
- Why Orthodox Jews OPPOSE Zionism and the Zionist state
Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism
Normal human: What's anti-semitism?
Zionist: Well, since Israel is a Jewish state, any criticism of Israel is anti-semitism.
NH: Israel is a Jewish state and has acted despicably toward the Palestinians. It deserves criticism!
Zio: Ooh! You anti-semite! How could you say such a thing! Are you a Nazi? Oh!oh!oh! Anti-semite!
NH: Actually, Israel's despicable actions have made anti-semitism almost respectable.
Zio: Oooohh!! [Faints rather than acknowledge facts evident to everyone else.]Zionists are experts at propaganda, disinformation, denying facts and outright lying. Any criticism of Zionism or of Israel is labelled as "anti-semitism", where this is interpreted to mean "anti-Jewish". This is a slanderous falsehood. Criticism of Zionism is criticism of a particularly ugly political movement, not criticism of a religion or of the adherents of a religion. One may be critical of Zionism and of Zionists while at the same time being quite tolerant of, or well-disposed toward, or even an adherent of Judaism (as we see from the websites cited above).
We should also note that Judaism is not a religion. Like Zionism it is a political ideology meant to preserve and promote Jewish supremacy. The difference is simply that Judaism is much older than Zionism, and Zionism is mainly concerned with defending (the indefensible) “Zionist entity”, namely, Israel.
Whether one approves of or dislikes the beliefs and practices of Judaism it remains that Jews have a right to hold those beliefs and maintain those practices. No-one, however, Jewish or non-Jewish, has a right to drive out people from their homes on land where they and their forebears have been living for centuries, to deprive people of their human rights, to cripple their society and to damage the welfare of others by a parasitic subversion of the government of another country for base political purposes, which is what Zionists have done and continue to do.
Here's a clear case of criticism of the state of Israel being classified as "anti-Semitism". It's a cheap trick and should never be allowed to pass without refutation. Israel has as much right to exist as you have to give your neighbor's house to your relatives and force your neighbour to live in the street, but to assert this is not to cast aspersion upon Jews. Israel is an apartheid state because of the way the Israeli government (with the support of most Israelis) treats Arabs within its borders as second-class citizens and because of its attempts to destroy Palestinian society in the occupied territories so as to rid the land of Arabs and make it suitable for Israeli annexation, but to suggest this is not to make any criticism of Jews, but rather, of Israelis — and they richly deserve it.
- Robert Fisk: A Warning to Those Who Dare to Criticize Israel in the Land of Free Speech (Also here.)
Are you [Mary Robinson] really suggesting that the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip by Israel, its use of extrajudicial executions against Palestinian gunmen, the Israeli gunning down of schoolboy stone-throwers, the wholesale theft of Arab land to build homes for Jews, is in some way wrong?
- John Kaminski: Heads They Win, Tails We Lose
As many observers have written recently, an anti-Semite used to mean someone who hated Jews because they were Jews. Now, the term anti-Semite is used by Jews to tar and feather anyone who disagrees with Jewish policies, influences, and effects. Complain about Israelis burying alive Palestinian residents of Jenin and Jews say you're an anti-Semite. Wonder about the preponderance of Jewish influence on the American government and you're an anti-Semite.
- Terrell E. Arnold: Against The Law To Criticize Israel?
[A proposed] amendment to Title VI of the Higher Education Act ... [whose purpose is] to require denial of federal funds to any university whose faculty or students, perhaps even guest lecturers, make statements that are in any way critical of Israel ... is an echo of Nazi, Communist and other totalitarian forms of censorship.
- Jean Shaoul: A crude attempt to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism
- Attempts To Smear Rense.com As 'Anti-Semitic' Continue
- Tony Judt: Goodbye to All That? (Also here.)
It is the policies of Israeli governments, especially in the past two decades, that have provoked widespread anti-Jewish feelings in Europe and elsewhere.
- Jakob Schiller: UC Hate Debate as Complex as Mideast Conflict
But many associated with groups that have been linked to claims of anti-Semitism said that, contrary to the claims, their groups are working to combat anti-Semitism and all forms of racism on campus, but have been targeted because of their Pro-Palestinian political agenda. Claims of anti-Semitism, they said, are a quick and easy way to try to sway the political debate by students who construe any sort of political criticism of Israel as criticism of Jews. ...When political protests claim Israel does not have a right to exist as a state for Jewish people, Gladstone [the Israel initiatives coordinator for Berkeley Hillel, the Jewish student center at UC Berkeley] said he would classify that as anti-Semitism. He said he would also classify claims that Israel is an apartheid state as anti-Semitic because he said those claims de-legitimize Israel as a state.
- Ken Livingstone: This is about Israel, not Anti-semitism
For 20 years Israeli governments have attempted to portray anyone who forcefully criticises the policies of Israel as anti-semitic. The truth is the opposite: the same universal human values that recognise the Holocaust as the greatest racist crime of the 20th century require condemnation of the policies of successive Israeli governments — not on the absurd grounds that they are Nazi or equivalent to the Holocaust, but because ethnic cleansing, discrimination and terror are immoral.
- Michael Goodspeed: In Defense Of Jeff Rense...
- E. Michael Jones: The Conversion of the Revolutionary Jew
- In 2006 former U.S. President Jimmy Carter published a book, Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, which is critical of Israel. Predictably the Zios label him as "anti-semitic".
In his article Carter's Inconvenient Truths Paul craig Roberts writes:
The reason that Israel has been able to appropriate Palestine unto itself with American aid and support is that Israel controls the explanation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At least 90% of Americans, if they know anything at all of the issue, know only the Israeli propaganda line. Israel has been able to control the explanation, because the powerful Israel Lobby brands every critic of Israeli policy as an anti-semite who favors a second holocaust of the Jews.In Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, Jimmy Carter takes the risk of speaking truth to propaganda. Predictably, the Israel Lobby and its shills ranging from the "conservative" National Review to "liberal" media and commentators have attempted to banish Carter by labeling him an "anti-semite."
We must not let the Israel Lobby get away with demonizing an American president who dares to stand up to their lies.
- The Saker: A crash course on the true causes of "antisemitism"
... while many modern Jews are non-religious and really members of a self-described Jewish tribe, there is no such thing in history as a "Jewish culture" distinct from Pharisaic Talmudism. ... The only thing common to a Jew from the Middle-East, Central Europe and North Africa would be teachings of Pharisaic Talmudism.[In] a lecture by Rabbi David Bar-Hayim [a Pharisaic Talmudist, he states:]
- 09:20 The Torah teaches that the life of a Jew is more precious than the life of a non-Jew.
- 10:00 God (HaShem) prefers Jews to non-Jews and gives them a special status.
- 11:00 The notion that Jews and non-Jews are equally precious to God contradicts the spirit of the Torah from beginning to end.
- 16:40 According to Shimon bar Yochia (aka Rashbi) “the best of non-Jews should be killed in warfare” because just as Jews cannot know if a snake approaching you is venomous or not, Jews cannot know which non-Jew is a danger to then.
- 25:16 Jews must assume that it is likely that any non-Jew they meet does not live by the Noahide Laws.
[And] ... the penalty for breaking any one of these [Noahide] laws, at least according to Rabbi David Bar-Hayim, is death (listen to the lecture for yourself!) ...
The simple truth is that Pharisaic Talmudism (a.k.a. modern "Judaism") is the only religion (or in the case of Judaism, pseudo-religion) which teaches a God-revealed racism. ... So now we have it: the root causes of antisemitism are not to be found in some weird cause-less aberration common to every single nation on earth, but in the teachings of Pharisaic Talmudism.
Zionism as Racism
A principal component of Zionism is racism, in the form of the belief held by Zionists that Jews constitute a race (or ethnic group or however they see themselves) superior to all others, and in particular to those, the Palestinians, who lived on the land that the Zionists stole from them in 1948 (under the pretext of the land having been given to them by the United Nations) and subsequently.
- Sherri Muzher: Racism: When will We Face the Facts?
More water is given to Jewish citizens than to Palestinians; jobs are more plentiful for Jewish citizens than Israeli Palestinians; Jewish citizens are not subjected to torture while in prison; only Israeli citizens and illegal Jewish settlers drive with yellow license plates, which allow them freedom to travel throughout the Holy Land; non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel; Israel's policies have involved planning regulations prohibiting Palestinian building on 40 percent of Gaza, 70 percent of the West Bank and 80 percent of East Jerusalem. While restricting Palestinian development, Israel builds housing for its people in the occupied territories.
- Kawther Salam: Israel is a Racist State
- Elias Davidsson: Memorandum on institutionalized racial discrimination by and in the State of Israel
Zionism rejects the idea of a modern secular state, based on equality of all citizens. Zionism predicates a state where Jews have privileged rights. Thus, according to Israeli law, a person born in London, who has never visited Israel, does not speak Hebrew and professes atheism, is granted automatic Israeli citizenship, if he can produce proof from a rabbi that his mother was considered a Jew, while indigenous Palestinian inhabitants who were born to Christian or Muslim parents are at best tolerated but never considered as full fledged partners in Israeli society. Racial discrimination, as defined in international law, is thus not only reflected in Israeli laws and policies, but is grounded in the very nature of Israel as a Jewish state, in public perception and in the Zionist credo.
- Rabee' Sahyoun: Why Zionism Is Racism (Also here.)
- Kathleen and Bill Christison: Zionism as a Racist Ideology
When you are on the ground in Palestine, you can see Zionism physically imprinted on the landscape. Not only can you see that there are settlements, built on land confiscated from Palestinians, where Palestinians may not live. Not only can you see roads in the occupied territories, again built on land taken from Palestinians, where Palestinians may not drive. Not only can you observe that water in the occupied territories is allocated, by Israeli governmental authorities, so inequitably that Israeli settlers are allocated five times the amount per capita as are Palestinians and, in periods of drought, Palestinians stand in line for drinking water while Israeli settlements enjoy lush gardens and swimming pools. Not only can you stand and watch as Israeli bulldozers flatten Palestinian olive groves and other agricultural land, destroy Palestinian wells, and demolish Palestinian homes to make way for the separation wall that Israel is constructing across the length and breadth of the West Bank. The wall fences off Palestinians from Israelis, supposedly to provide greater security for Israelis but in fact in order to cage Palestinians, to define a border for Israel that will exclude a maximum number of Palestinians.But, if this is not enough to demonstrate the inherent racism of Israel's occupation, you can also drive through Palestinian towns and Palestinian neighborhoods in and near Jerusalem and see what is perhaps the most cruelly racist policy in Zionism's arsenal: house demolitions, the preeminent symbol of Zionism's drive to maintain Jewish predominance. Virtually every street has a house or houses reduced to rubble, one floor pancaked onto another or simply a pile of broken concrete bulldozed into an incoherent heap. Jeff Halper, founder and head of the non-governmental Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), an anthropologist and scholar of the occupation, has observed that Zionist and Israeli leaders going back 80 years have all conveyed what he calls "The Message" to Palestinians. The Message, Halper says, is "Submit. Only when you abandon your dreams for an independent state of your own, and accept that Palestine has become the Land of Israel, will we relent [i.e., stop attacking Palestinians]." The deeper meaning of The Message, as carried by the bulldozers so ubiquitous in targeted Palestinian neighborhoods today, is that "You [Palestinians] do not belong here. We uprooted you from your homes in 1948 and now we will uproot you from all of the Land of Israel."
- Human Rights Watch, 2004-10-18: Israel destroys Palestinian homes as punishment
The group, based in New York, says 16,000 people have been made homeless in southern Gaza over the past four years, regardless of whether their homes posed a genuine military threat. ... [Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, said:] "Part of the rationale here seems to be to punish civilians for the conduct of militants. The people whose homes are destroyed are, for the most part, just ordinary civilians." ... Peter Hansen, the commissioner general of the UN Relief and Works Agency [said] ... "Most of what we have seen here ... over the past two weeks is in gross violation of international humanitarian law ..."Could the real reason for Ariel Sharon's desire to remove Jewish "settlers" (actually illegal occupiers) from Gaza be that this psychopath wishes to use all the remaining Palestinian inhabitants of Gaza as hostages, to be allowed water and electricity (which Israel controls) for just an hour a day and thereby to be reduced to even more abject misery and desperation, if any Palestinian should continue to oppose Israel's continued attempt to destroy Palestinian society?
Christian Zionism
There is also something called "Christian Zionism", whose adherents (including the followers of Jerry Falwell) totally support Israel. This psychopathological delusion sees Jewish occupation of Palestine as partly fulfilling biblical prophecy in a process leading to Armageddon and the Rapture (in which, they believe, all Christian Zionists will be taken up to heaven, leaving the rest of us to die on a scorched Earth).
- Donald Wagner: Christian Zionists, Israel and the 'second coming'
- C. E. Carlson: Why Judeo-Christians Support War
- Gary North: Fundamentalism's Bloody Homeland for Jews
- Grace Halsell: Armageddon: Zionism's Diabolical Goal
Christian Zionists, or dispensationalists, give Israel total support because they think there has to be an Israel there, a place — not for Jews, but for the battle of Armageddon, which they actually believe must occur. It's part of the required steps, they believe, that will lead to their Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ.
- Zion's Christian Soldiers
- Carol Valentine: The Traitors Among Us
- Ronald Bleier: In the Beginning, There Was Terror
The effects of the dispossession of the Palestinians and other Arabs are with us to this day, in the shattered lives of the millions of people directly affected and also as a sign of the West's war against the entire Arab nation and Muslims everywhere. Arguably, the original sin of Zionism and its effects on the peoples of the Middle East were central to the motivation behind the events of 9/11, and the most important consequence of which is the ongoing "war on terrorism" that is smothering our political landscape.
- Xymphora: Dick Cheney and the American Likudniks
- Alton Raines: Zionism — The Occult Guild Of Antichrist
- Jason Blain: The Pentateuch
- Xymphora: Christianity Without Christ
Simon Cozens proposes ... that American Christianity — referring to what is variously called American Evangelism, Christian Zionism, or Dominionism, and comprising much of mainstream American Protestantism — isn't really Christianity at all. It seems they've taken the goriest bits from the Old Testament, added the Book of Revelations and a smattering of very Aryan and militaristic visual images of Jesus, and purport to call it Christianity.
- Xymphora: On a Learjet to hell
[Jerry] Falwell was the pioneer in tying American Christian Evangelism to the extreme Israeli right.
- JP Briggs II, Ph.D., and Thomas D. Williams: Bush, Mideast Wars and End-Time Prophecy
... end-timers all agree that the establishment of Israeli hegemony over the biblical lands and the rebuilding of the ancient Jewish temple are preconditions for Christ's return. From this belief derives the unwavering support of end-time Christians for Israel. Both dominionists and dispensationalists call themselves "Christian Zionists." ... [A]lthough a succession of Israeli prime ministers has courted the American end-timers (the Christian Zionists) and declared them Israel's "greatest friends," the Israelis don't accept the end-time theology one wit. ... However ... the Israelis also know that the end-time Christian Zionists are a lobby that can deliver US support for Israeli hard-line positions on arms, West Bank settlements, negotiations with the Arabs, and Iran.
- Xymphora: Deep Palin
Palin was secretly chosen by a cabal of Christian Zionists ...- F. William Engdahl: Christian Fundamentalism Permeates the Republican Party: Sarah Palin's links to the Christian Right
- F. William Engdahl: ‘Soldiers of Christ’ — The Bizarre World of Christian Zionism
John Nelson Darby, a renegade Irish priest who died in 1881 created the idea of ‘the Rapture’ as he founded a new brand of Christian Zionism, in which what he called ‘Born-Again Christians’ would be taken up to Heaven before the second coming of Christ — their ‘rapture’. Darby also put Israel at the heart of his strange new theology, claiming that an actual Jewish state of Israel would become the ‘central instrument for God to fulfil his plans for a final Battle of Armageddon.’
- The Deep Politics of God: The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal — Part One and Part Two
Israel's Pernicious Influence on U.S. Policy
Ever wonder why Bush gives Sharon everything he wants? Consider this explanation: Israel was involved in the planning for the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Bush was instructed as to how he was to behave on the morning of 9/11 when informed of the WTC impacts. This meeting was captured on video by the Israelis, who have given Bush a copy of the tape. If Bush does not give Sharon everything he wants the Israelis will leak the video and Bush will be dead meat.
- Robert Fisk, 2002-06-26: I wonder why Bush doesn't let Sharon run his press office
All that he [Bush] offers to the Palestinians is a ghastly mockery of what the Palestinians are told to do by the Israelis.
- CNN, 2004-04-16: Big win for Israel's Sharon
After meeting with Sharon this week, President Bush agreed to recognize Israeli settlements in the West Bank, accept a temporary security fence between Israelis and Palestinians, and repudiate Palestinian claims to a right of return to Israel. In every case, it's a departure from long-held U.S. positions. Sharon was, to say the least, pleased.
- George Sunderland: Our Vichy Congress
Lyndon Johnson's decision to cover up the deliberate and protracted Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in June 1967 (and which resulted in 34 deaths: almost double the deaths suffered by the crew of the U.S.S. Cole) was pointedly not investigated by Congress. Instead, the surviving crew were shamefully bullied into silence by the gargoyle Johnson and his functionaries; those who did break their silence later were reviled by the lobby as delusional anti-Semites.
- Jeffrey Steinberg: The 'Ignoble Liars' Behind Bush's Deadly Iraq War
For Leo Strauss and his disciples, the ignoble lie — disinformation — was the key to achieving and holding political power. And raw political power was the ultimate goal. For Strauss and the Straussians, there were no universal principles, no natural law, no virtue, no agapé, no notion of man in the living image of God. ...Among the other Strauss disciples who are currently part of the ongoing neo-con insurgency are: John Podhoretz, editorial page editor of Murdoch's yellow tabloid, the New York Post, ... Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; Attorney General John Ashcroft [and many others with influence on the Bush Administration].
- Andy Beckett: The making of the terror myth
Although the Islamists and the Straussians have fallen out ... they are in another way ... collaborating still: in sustaining the "fantasy" of the war on terror.
- John Kerry: A Powerful Journey, An Essential Dream
Another Zionist being set up by the power elite to occupy the Oval Office from January 20th, 2005, onwards.
MR. RUSSERT: On Thursday, President Bush broke with the tradition and policy of six predecessors when he said that Israel can keep part of the land seized in the 1967 Middle East War and asserted the Palestinian refugees cannot go back to their particular homes. Do you support President Bush?SEN. KERRY: Yes.
MR. RUSSERT: Completely?
- Joe Vialls: Kosher Kerry Cons Christian America — Crikey!
Democrat hopeful says personal Jewish heritage a 'revelation'
- Israel and the U.S. Interest [Page gone.]
The total [transferred from U.S. taxpayers to Israel] for the past five years (1993-1997) was around $6,300,000,000/year ($6.3 BILLION) or over $17 Million/DAY.
- Kevin MacDonald: Understanding Jewish Influence
The current situation in the United States is the result of an awesome deployment of Jewish power and influence. One must contemplate the fact that American Jews have managed to maintain unquestioned support for Israel over the last thirty-five years despite Israel's seizing land and engaging in a brutal occupation of the Palestinians in the occupied territories — an occupation that will most likely end with expulsion or complete subjugation, degradation, and apartheid. During this same period Jewish organizations in America have been a principal force — in my view the main force — for erecting a state dedicated to suppressing ethnic identification among Europeans, for encouraging massive multi-ethnic immigration into the U.S., and for erecting a legal system and cultural ideology that is obsessively sensitive to the complaints and interests of ethnic minorities: the culture of the Holocaust.
- Stephen J. Sniegoski: The War on Iraq: Conceived in Israel
It is also remarkable that while in 1996 Israel was to "shape its strategic environment" by removing her enemies, the same individuals [Perle, Feith, and Wurmser] are now proposing that the United States shape the Middle East environment by removing Israel's enemies. That is to say, the United States is to serve as Israel's proxy to advance Israeli interests.
- William Bowles: Has a Right-Wing Zionist Cabal Hijacked the White House?
- Jeffrey Steinberg: Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax: Intelligence Was Cooked in Israel
- Julian Borger: The spies who pushed for war
The OSP [the Office of Special Plans] ... forged close ties to a parallel, ad hoc intelligence operation inside Ariel Sharon's office in Israel specifically to bypass Mossad and provide the Bush administration with more alarmist reports on Saddam's Iraq than Mossad was prepared to authorise. ... In 1996, he [Douglas Feith] and Richard Perle ... served as advisers to the then Likud leader, Binyamin Netanyahu. In a policy paper they wrote, entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, the two advisers said that Saddam would have to be destroyed, and Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Iran would have to be overthrown or destabilised, for Israel to be truly safe.
- Linda S. Heard: The Hijacking of the 'War on Terror'
- Gilad Atzmon: The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion (Verse 2)
- Jeffrey Blankfort: AIPAC Hijacks the Roadmap — How Israel's US Lobby is Stacking the Deck
- Charles E. Carlson: President Carter Speaks the Truth in Boston
- Ralph Nader: Letter to ADL Director Foxman
- Patrick J. Buchanan: Whose War?
A neoconservative clique seeks to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in America's interest.
- Webster Griffin Tarpley: Behind the Israeli Mole Affair: Point of Maximum Danger of War with Iran Approaching
- Justin Raimondo: Traitorous 'Conservatives': Israeli spies in Pentagon are heroes to the neocons
- Stephen Green: Serving Two Flags: The Bush Neo-Cons and Israel
Since 9-11, a small group of "neo-conservatives" in the [Bush] Administration have effectively gutted — they would say reformed — traditional American foreign and security policy. Notable features of the new Bush doctrine include the pre-emptive use of unilateral force, and the undermining of the United Nations and the principle instruments and institutions of international law .... all in the cause of fighting terrorism and promoting homeland security.
- Kathleen and Bill Christison: Dual Loyalties: The Bush Neocons and Israel
- Maxim Kniazkov: US To Rate Countries On Their Treatment Of Jews
Alton Raines comments:
Oh, well, now what is THIS useless crap going to cost the taxpayers, eh?! Have you ever seen such worthless, sniveling, whiney self-interest in your life? These people are so obsessed with persecution that they want RATINGS now. Utterly ridiculous!!!!
- Al Jazeera: Report: Pentagon twisted pre-war data
[Democratic Senator Carl] Levin's report concluded: "Intelligence relating to the Iraq-al-Qaida relationship was manipulated by high-ranking officials in the [Defence Department] to support the administration's decision to invade Iraq."Undersecretary of Defence Douglas Feith — one of the Bush administration's strongest advocates for war against Iraq — led the now defunct CEG.
The 46-page document detailed how Feith's analysts repeatedly sought to outflank the CIA, which was much more sceptical of Iraq-al-Qaida ties.
Neocon/Zionist Douglas Feith was pursuing the Neocon/Zionist agenda of having the US dispose of Israel's enemies. Although no evidence has ever been produced of a connection between Saddam Hussein and either 9/11 or Al-Qaida, the CEG fabricated evidence for the use of the Bush administration, allowing it to play its assigned role in the Zionist strategy of militarily defeating (using US forces) and possibly dividing any country perceived by it to be a threat, the first being Iraq.
- John Anast: The Yarmulke And The Chopstick
America needs its own "clean-break" strategy in the Middle East, and away from the cold-war dominated themes created in many ways by Israel based upon the inane notion that treason against America is somehow excusable where Israel is concerned. It is the same psychotic reasoning which prevails upon Israelis to murder Palestinian woman and children in a blood lust of frustration to drive the indigenous people from Palestine. As if the world is expected to realize the establishment of a religiously racist foreign Zionist state void of any diversity through murder, treachery, and ethnic cleansing is somehow noble? The mayhem, suffering and toll on American society is just not worth it, it's time for a different way.
- As America Sleeps, The Strausscon Plan For Iran Is On Schedule
- How AIPAC Works — Part 2 — Why AIPAC is Feared
- David Corn, The Nation, 2005-03-16: Wolfowitz To Rule the World (Bank)
- Xymphora on possible Israeli blackmail of G. W. Bush:
The most serious charge made against Israel was that it had information on the 9-11 terrorists and failed to inform American authorities so they could have prevented the terrorist attacks. What if this is completely backwards? What if Israel fully informed the CIA of its concerns and intelligence, and made sure such information reached Bush, but had its neocon agents ensure that Bush would not do anything about it, thus leaving him open to continuous blackmail? That would explain the supreme over-confidence of Israel and the neocons, the fact that the American government caves in to every insane Likudnik position no matter how damaging to real American interests, and the apparent lack of concern about outrageous embarrassment of the American government by the Israelis. Has George Bush fallen into the same Israeli blackmail snare that caught his father?
- War Summit — Bush, Sharon Meet To Plan Iran Attack
- Xymphora: Douglas Feith, radical Zionist
- Study: U.S. Mideast policy motivated by pro-Israel lobby
- John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt: The Israel Lobby
Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing that given to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct economic and military assistance since 1976, and is the largest recipient in total since World War Two, to the tune of well over $140 billion (in 2004 dollars). Israel receives about $3 billion in direct assistance each year, roughly one-fifth of the foreign aid budget, and worth about $500 a year for every Israeli. ...Given the neo-conservatives' devotion to Israel, their obsession with Iraq, and their influence in the Bush administration, it isn't surprising that many Americans suspected that the war was designed to further Israeli interests. Last March, Barry Jacobs of the American Jewish Committee acknowledged that the belief that Israel and the neo-conservatives had conspired to get the US into a war in Iraq was 'pervasive' in the intelligence community. Yet few people would say so publicly, and most of those who did — including Senator Ernest Hollings and Representative James Moran — were condemned for raising the issue. Michael Kinsley wrote in late 2002 that 'the lack of public discussion about the role of Israel ... is the proverbial elephant in the room.' The reason for the reluctance to talk about it, he observed, was fear of being labelled an anti-semite. There is little doubt that Israel and the Lobby were key factors in the decision to go to war. It's a decision the US would have been far less likely to take without their efforts. And the war itself was intended to be only the first step.
- Just how cozy is Pelosi with AIPAC?
- Obama pick quits over Israel lobby
"The libels on me and their easily traceable email trails show conclusively that there is a powerful lobby determined to prevent any view other than its own from being aired," [Charles] Freeman [Obama's choice to chair the US National Intelligence Council] said."The tactics of the Israel lobby plumb the depths of dishonour and indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the wilful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the truth.
"The aim of this lobby is control of the policy process through the exercise of a veto over the appointment of people who dispute the wisdom of its views, the substitution of political correctness for analysis, and the exclusion of any and all options for decision by Americans and our government other than those that it favours."
See Xymphora's comment on the JIZ's ("Jews, Israelis and Zionists") sabotage of Charles Freeman's appointment.
And here is the full text of Charles Freeman's message.
- Dennis Ross's Iran Plan
Dennis Ross, a hawkish, pro-Israel adviser ... helped to oversee a series of reports designed to ring alarm bells about Iran's nuclear research and to support closer US-Israeli ties in response. Last summer, while advising Obama, he co-chaired a task force that produced a paper ... [which] opted for an alarmist view of Iran's nuclear program and proposed that the next president set up a formal US-Israeli mechanism for coordinating policy toward Iran (including any future need for "preventive military action" [read: an unprovoked attack on Iran]).
Articles on this Website by Gilad Atzmon
See also reviews of Gilad Atzmon's A Guide to the Perplexed and My One and Only Love.
Further Articles on this Website
Here are various articles concerning Zionism and the pervasive and pernicious influence of Zionism on the government of the United States, an influence which has now led us into a global geopolitical situation fraught with danger for us all.
- Jason Collett: What Right Do Zionist Jews Have To Palestine?
... the people known today as Jews are primarily the descendents of a Turkish tribe known as the Khazars. The Khazars have no historical connection to Palestine. They converted to Judaism between 620 and 740AD, and have no genetic connection to biblical Israel ...
- Israel Shamir: Battle for Palestine
In the chain of 'Jew - Gentile - animal' the difference between the first two items is much bigger than the difference between the second and third, postulated Taniya, a compendium of traditional Jewish teaching. This notion sits in the subconscious levels of many Jews, good and bad alike.While evil Jews of Sharon's kin slaughter Gentiles without slightest remorse, many good Jews object to Sharon's actions as they would object to cruel treatment of animals. Actually, on the walls of Tel Aviv houses there are more posters protesting inhuman feeding of geese than deploring mass murder of Goyiim.
- Israel Shamir: The Shadow of Zog
The problem is, the US people have no way out of the Zionist takeover. While Neo-Cons and Right-wingers are guilty of starting World War Three, of introducing Fascist measures against the American population, of premeditated aggression against sovereign Iraq and of unrestrained support for the racist Jewish State, it would be mistake to leave the buck resting with them. ... [I]f Al Gore and Joseph Lieberman were the White House incumbents now, the US Marines would be in Baghdad nevertheless, the National Library of Iraq and Iraqi museums would still have been looted, and the olive trees of Mesecha uprooted and the flow of American cash to Israel would be continuing unabated.
- A Brainwashed American Looks at CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, CBS, ABC and NBC
I already know that Jewish lives are more important than Palestinian lives. The ultimate in evil is the death of a Jewish child. My humanity is outraged.
- Political prisoner Ernst Zündel
- Donald Cassidy: In Remembrance of the September 11th Dead!
The rise of the Conspiracy over the last two centuries parallels the rise of Zionism. This is not a coincidence. Early on, the Conspiracy realized that it needed a strong political agency, Zionism, and its own country where it would be free from all governmental oversight and create the murderous rogue state (Israel) that menaces the world today through Washington.
- John Kaminski: 'Power Hour' Blocks Kaminski at Last Minute
The Zionist takeover of the collective American mind has been more than a century in the making. Through the planned deterioration of the American educational system, the production of harmful and needless medications, products and services that keep the public anesthetized and disoriented, and the endless stream of xenophobic propaganda spewed forth by media which have absolutely no interest in either the health of individuals or the morality of political issues, the United States has become a robotized killing machine, spouting pre-programmed invective that vilifies all opposed to its crimes, an out-of-control monster that sickens and kills all those who come in contact with its demonic military might, including even those misguided souls who plan the atrocities and wield the weapons.
- Wendy Campbell: The Secret Relationship Between Israel and Oil: What the US Media Hides
- John Kaminski: Devils from Heaven
- Mark S. Bilk: Why Jared Israel Is Attacking Scott Ritter And Deceiving The 9-11 Truth Movement
- David Hirst: The Lavon Affair
- Nick Pretzlik: Why?
- Chomsky and Finkelstein on Joan Peters' From Time Immemorial
- Israel Shamir: The Spider Web
- Israel and the Empire — Jon Elmer interviews Jeff Halper
... Israel has located itself very strategically right in the centre of the global arms industry. Israel's sophisticated military hardware and military software are very important to weapons development in the United States. Israel has also become the main subcontractor of American arms. ... But ... there are no ethical or moral constraints ... For example, there are American Congressional constraints on selling arms to China because of China's human rights problems. So what Israel does is it tinkers with American arms just enough that they can be considered Israeli arms, and in that way bypasses Congress.
- Xymphora: The Election of Mahmoud Abbas
The World can watch the Project [of creating Greater Israel from Egypt to the Euphrates] continue until it causes a world war, world-wide economic catastrophe, and millions of deaths, or it can put a stop to it now by forcing Israel to start to act in good faith towards a negotiated settlement.
- David Livingstone: Globalists Created Wahhabi Terrorism to Destroy Islam and Justify a Global State
- Syria is Doomed
- Xymphora: Perle's Pogrom
... what he [Richard Perle] is advocating is for the United States to drop bombs on innocent civilians of a sovereign country [Iran] that poses absolutely no threat to the United States. Here we have a prominent Jewish intellectual talking to a group of Jewish lobbyists for Israeli interests, advocating what amounts to a slaughter of Muslim civilians — a Jewish pogrom against Muslims, if you will — all to the cheers and applause of his audience.
- Edgar J. Steele: Bush Must Go!
- John Kaminski: If Joe was right ... then Zionist neocon crazies plan to kill millions to control the world — but who was Joe, really?
- John Kaminski: Who's Wagging Whom?
In a document ... published by The American Enterprise's "Project for a New American Century", System Planning Corporation (SPC) International executive, Dov Zakheim, called for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor" being necessary to foster the frame of mind needed for the American public to support a war in the Middle East that would politically and culturally reshape the region. ... Dov went from his position at Systems Planning Corporation to become the Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. Perhaps not so coincidentally, it was an SPC subsidiary, Tridata Corporation, that oversaw the investigation after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.SPC ...specializes in many areas of defense technology production and manufacture, including a system ... [which] allows the control of several 'drones' from a remote location, on varying frequencies, and has a range of several hundred miles. This technology can be used on many different types of aircraft, including large passenger jets.
- Xymphora: Prolegomena to any future parapolitics
Critics of the idea that the current mess in the Middle East is part of an Israeli-directed plot can cavil all they want, but when exactly the same people who wrote exactly the same blueprint that is being followed all end up in the Bush Administration, and set up a specific organization, the Office of Special Plans (led by Feith), to ensure that only lies supporting the attack on Iraq reach Bush, such caviling appears to be a form of insanity.
- Walter C. Uhler: "Fixed" Intelligence from Feith's "Gestapo Office," the CIA and the Bush Administration's Impeachable Lies about Iraq's Prewar Links to al Qaeda
- Xymphora: Gunships up the Fjords
This is getting embarrassing for the Americans as well. If one of Israel and the United States is the tail and one is the dog, who is wagging whom?To which one commenter replied:
Tail and dog is so old hat. I see America as a guy and Israel as his dick. When the dick makes up its mind, the guy will always go along.
- Der Spiegel Interview with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
- Amos M. Gunsberg: Beyond Insanity
- Webster G. Tarpley: 25,000 Americans in Lebanon left by Bush as sitting ducks for false flag provocations to drag US into World War III
- Iranian President Ahmadinejad's Letter to the American People
- Xymphora At Last Supports a One-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- A Review of The Culture of Critique by Stanley Hornbeck
Further Articles on Other Websites
If you wish to prove to yourself that Zionists control Wikipedia then try adding a link to this page from any page on Wikipedia concerning this topic, and see how long it takes to be deleted. See also A pro-Israel group's plan to rewrite history on Wikipedia (also here).
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