The first signs of the “financial crisis” of 2008-2009 (and ongoing) — which was deliberately made to happen, not accidental — appeared in 2007 when the US housing bubble began to burst. It was presented in the mainstream media as a "crisis" in September 2008 when several US financial institutions ran into trouble because of their huge dealings in (fundamentally worthless) mortgage-backed securities, credit default swaps and other arcane financial instruments which had been allowed to bloom by a (deliberate) lack of regulation by the US financial authorities.
Capitalism and the New World Order
All this is actually part of a long-term plan by the global financial elite to take control of national governments (by imposing stringent conditions upon huge loans to finance “bailouts” and “stimulus packages”) and to institute a world government (under their control), mediated by a global currency and a world central bank. This would amount to a global dictatorship and would mean the end of personal freedom for ordinary people, apart from the freedom to select entertainment (mostly mindless) from among those forms permitted and judged suitable by the world rulers (“suitable” meaning: no threat to their authority).
This can be prevented only if enough people decide that this is not the future they want for themselves or for their children and grandchildren, and have the courage to resolve to do what they can to oppose and resist this project of world domination by the financial elite.
Listed below are articles on this website explaining the background and nature of this project:
- William Blase: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order
(plus Council on Foreign Relations Membership List)
These people are evil because they love money and power, and greed drives them to do anything to achieve their goals. They have lost all morality and conscience, and believe such concepts, as well as our Constitution, "outdated".THAT is insanity — to have more wealth than can be spent, and still it is never enough. They have to control governments, start wars, conspire to rule the world, lest the "common people" wake up to how they have gained their wealth, take it away from them, and demand that they pay the price for their crimes.
- Why isn't the CFR in the History Books?
- Chalmers Johnson: Our ‘Managed Democracy’
... since the Depression, the twin forces of managed democracy and Superpower have opened the way for something new under the sun: "inverted totalitarianism," a form every bit as totalistic as the classical version but one based on internalized co-optation, the appearance of freedom, political disengagement rather than mass mobilization, and relying more on "private media" than on public agencies to disseminate propaganda that reinforces the official version of events.
- Richard K. Moore:
- Escaping the Matrix
Don't read this if you wish to remain cocooned within the illusion of consensus reality. But do read it if you want to know what "globalization" really means. This essay is the clearest explanation that can be found on the web of the huge difference between matrix reality and actual reality.
- Obama — Beware of Elites Bearing Gifts
Our scenario is very much like that preceding the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The 'problem' then, as now, is a scary, engineered 'collapse'. The 'solution', then as now, is the greater centralization of banking in private hands, now some kind of IMF cum Central Bank on a global scale. In both cases the promise is to avoid future collapses, while the reality is increased enslavement to banking elites.
- Secret Societies and War
The most profitable of all was [and still is] the financing of wars, because when fighting for survival, governments are desperate for funding, and will agree to whatever terms they can get. Particularly profitable is the financing of both sides in a war. That way the war can be kept going as long as possible, both fall deeper and deeper into debt, and when the war is over the victors will be in a position to repay their loans.
- A Brief History of the New World Order
If and when World War III comes about, it will be over within hours, and nothing will then stand in the way of the New World Order. All other ducks have been carefully lined up, and Obama is the perfect fellow to keep us hypnotized while our freedoms, and all vestiges of democracy, are erased once and for all from the face of the Earth.
- John Kozy: Capitalism Snuffs Out the Age of Enlightenment's Candle
Classical economics [became established with] ... the emergence of unified nation states in Europe, monarchial in government and structured by classes — mainly aristocratic and peasant. Wealth and property were held by the former, and the latter were considered disposable livestock whose only function was to support and defend the state and the status quo. ... Two hundred years of Capitalism and common people are still serfs, wars are still fought to protect our "national interests," and the extermination of human beings occurs at ever increasing rates.
- Max Kolskegg:
- 9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans
The arrival of the WTO on the scene symbolizes entry into the final phase of the "real subsumption" of society by capitalism. As the strongest vestigial precapitalist social form, the nation state is the last to be completely transformed in the image of pure, unfettered capitalist social relations. Other forms (the family, the "professions", the individual human psyche) have long been recast by capitalism. Now, finally, the roles of states and corporations are to be reversed, with corporations setting the rules by which nations will be regulated. States are to be reduced to little more than population control units, essentially nothing but domestic police agencies. With the right mix of propaganda, soporifics, toys, and the threat of hunger, the wage slaves of this new order will be kept in line.
- 9/11 in Context: The Strategy of Tension Gone Global
... people in foreign countries, companies, end up with dollars after having sold us cars, and they take these dollars which they can't use in their own countries, they take them to their central banks, and their central banks then have not much that they can do with these dollars except buy U.S. Treasury bonds, which the government issues. With, you know, a promise of some kind of payment down the line. Well then that money comes back to the United States, and is used in the United States to fund escalation in military operations, building more weaponry, launching new attacks elsewhere, and is part of the credit bubble that Americans are benefiting from, the American population, because of the fact that the dollar is the global reserve currency and is still attractive to foreign investors. So dollars are circulating and being returned, circulating and being returned through this process, and it's creating a big bubble. The whole thing is getting very, very strung out and prone to collapse. ... Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book in 1997 called The Grand Chessboard in which he laid out the need to control Central Asia, and the fact that it would only happen if there was a shock sufficient to mobilize the American public [which turned out to be September 11th], which typically is against imperial adventures like this. This is long-term planning. The desperation I'm talking about is not measured in weeks or months, but in decades. There's been a long trend of increasingly intense warfare upon working people around the world, and the environment. They're stripping the environment, they're immiserating world populations. This is keeping them going for the time being, but it's all trending toward collapse. And so they want to be in a situation of being able to exert total control when the collapse comes and all kinds of, you know, revolutionaries are created overnight when their economies, their national economies, collapse around them. They want to be able to control that. ... Capitalism is totally unsustainable. There's no way that this can go on for much longer.
- Wade Frazier: The Global Financial Meltdown
Bill Gates's .. net worth [is] equivalent to the collective net worth of the poorest hundred million Americans (and the poorest half of humanity — which might be the most mind-boggling statistic of global capitalism).
- F. William Engdahl: Geithner’s Dirty Little Secret
Only five banks are the source of the current financial 'crisis'. And these should be allowed to fail.
- Richard K. Moore:
- Obama's Economic Agenda: a Timely Review
By these means the USA has been sold into perpetual debt bondage. The methods long employed in the imperial periphery have been brought across the Rubicon and are now being applied to Rome itself. And with slight variation from place to place, the same debt bondage has been successfully imposed throughout the West. Already social service budgets are being cut around the world, while trillions are still flowing to the banks, as the cold hand of banker's logic settles in and gathers all of us into its greedy grasp.
- Capitalism and Republics: A Patriot's Perspective
The very culture in Washington has become one of subservience to financial and corporate elites. Our leaders' mouths speak words of patriotism, or reflect popular concerns, but their souls, as in a horror film, are possessed by vampires.
- The Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution
[Tom Paine] was in fact arguing for the non-necessity of government and the practicality of holographic self-governance, to use modern terminology. ... Paine's ideas of society-as-system dovetail with modern systems thinking in ecology, and with the visions of the sustainability / relocalization movement. Paine provides the political dimension that is unfortunately lacking in modern systems thinking. The myth that democracy exists has blinded us from re-examining Paine, and noticing that the self-governance model was long-ago hijacked by the elite-led republican movements, and was replaced by a competitive party model that is itself elite dominated.
- Andrew G. Marshall: The Financial New World Order
[T]he future of the global political economy is one of increasing moves toward a global system of governance, or a world government, with a world central bank and global currency ... and thus, a rise in authoritarianism. What we are witnessing is the creation of a New World Order, composed of a totalitarian global government structure. ... [However, the] human mind and spirit ... will continue to overcome the greatest of challenges to humanity, and will, without doubt, triumph over the New World Order.
- Richard K. Moore:
- Prognosis 2012
In our post-2012 world, we will have for the first time one centralized global government, and one ruling elite clique, a kind of extended royal family, the lords of finance. As we can see with the IMF, WHO, WTO and the other pieces of the embryonic world government, the institutions of governance will make no pretensions to popular representation or democratic responsiveness. Rule will be by means of autocratic global bureaucracies, which take their marching orders from the royal family.- The Gulf Gusher and the New World Order
The Gulf of Mexico is one of the oldest and most studied drilling areas in the world. Any legitimate attempt to tap into that deep oil system would have called for better-than-usual safety measures, not systematically shoddy safety measures. Deepwater Horizon was an accident meant to happen, and the witnesses have been scared into silence.
- Interesting Times
You may be here by accident, or you may have booked a place to watch the perfect storm. I'm here to witness the liberation of humanity. The fact is that 'the everywhere' (the global systems) have been destroyed by a calamity (the engineered financial collapse). We may not realize it yet, but 'the real world' (our communities) is where we need to be pursuing our survival.
- The Carbon Economy — Micromanaging Global Society
- Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Regime-Change Project
- Peter Meyer: The Global Warming Scare
- Mike Whitney: IMF chief Strauss-Kahn caught in "Honey Trap"
Strauss-Kahn had set out on a "kinder and gentler" path, one that would not force foreign leaders to privatize their state-owned industries or crush their labor unions. Naturally, his actions were not warmly received by the bankers and corporatists who look to the IMF to provide legitimacy to their ongoing plunder of the rest of the world. These are the people who think that the current policies are "just fine" because they produce the results they're looking for, which is bigger profits for themselves and deeper poverty for everyone else.
- Ellen Grace Jones: London's Burning
The young rioters see a corrupt government which doesn't listen, which lies and breaks promises. One which does not speak for them. A government which denies them a future, slashing funding and enforcing austerity measures left-right-and-centre in a bid to serve their criminal banking paymasters. ... While more visibly violent and tangibly fear-inspiring, the acts that pockets of London's youths have committed over the last four days are no worse than the insidious raping and plundering of our global economies by the criminal banking elite.
- President Ahmadinejad's 2012 Speech to the United Nations General Assembly
The engine of unbridled capitalism with its unfair system of thought has reached the end of the road and is unable to move. The era of capitalist thinking and imposition of one's thoughts on the international community, intended to dominate the world in the name of globalization, and the age of setting up empires is over. It is no longer possible to humiliate nations and impose double standard policies on the world community.
- Yanis Varoufakis: How I became an erratic Marxist
"Before he entered politics, Yanis Varoufakis, the iconoclastic Greek finance minister at the centre of the latest eurozone standoff, wrote this searing account of European capitalism and how the left can learn from Marx’s mistakes."
In 1776, in response to Tom Paine's Common Sense, the majority of American colonists decided that they had had enough of the dictatorship imposed upon them by the distant, unresponsive and militarily aggressive government of King George III, and declared their independence from this tyrannical authority. For some years they were engaged in a desperate struggle to throw off this tyranny, but intelligence, fortitude and courage finally resulted in their victory, and a republican government emerged which, as Tom Paine had urged, provided for their Freedom and Security. In the two centuries since then this form of government has been corrupted and perverted so that government is again an instrument of tyranny, a tyranny not of royalty and aristocracy but rather of the international banking elite and corporate capitalism, a tyranny exercised through national governments, the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the European Union and other elitist institutions which have zero concern for the welfare of common people. It is now time once again to consign a ruthless and pernicious form of government to the scrapheap of history, and (in the words of Thomas Jefferson) "to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to [us] shall seem most likely to effect [our] Safety and Happiness", or in Tom Paine's words, our Freedom and Security — and those of our children and of future generations upon this Earth. Otherwise our future will be one of perpetual slavery and a state of ignorance, banality and hopelessness from which no escape will be possible.
In September 2014 a very astute person posted the following comment on The Saker's blog:
The dominance of psychopaths in the West results from the total control of society by the Right, a euphemism for psychopaths, which derives from the total victory of capitalism, and the destruction of socialism and collectivism of any kind. Capitalism operates like cancer to destroy everything it comes across, people or natural resources, and turns them into the dead stuff of capital, which must accumulate forever, if only to pay off debt. Once it stops growing it rapidly implodes, like a hypernova into a black-hole, a fact of gravity that the psychopathic Masters of the Universe are attempting to avert until it disappears over the event horizon of their own deaths, by producing ever more debt, and by increasing and deepening the exploitation of humanity and the living Earth. Russia and China must not be [allowed to become] independent, because then they cannot be looted by the 'Atlanticist' elite. Capitalism is psychopathy in action, created by psychopaths and ever empowering them.
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