Occupied America:
A Chronology of Nazi Infiltration
and the War On Some Drugs
by Neal Smith, 2000-03-12


What you are about to read is a compilation of history. R. William Davis and I had been independently asking the question: "Why is Marijuana illegal?" Every time we found an answer, it led to several more questions. Randy had been looking into other political activities, mainly concerning the Nazis of Germany. He soon drew a connection between the general attitudes of the Nazis and members of the government and industries of The United States.

Much of politics of the first half of the 20th century centered around oil and the great amount of wealth available to those who transformed decayed plant material into gasoline for the burgeoning automobile industry, home heating, lubrication and the new idea of synthetics ... plastics. Of the big oil families, the Rockefellers were, and still are, at the top of the heap. Those who supported the Rockefellers, specifically the Mellon banking family, also profited greatly. Andrew Mellon, who had invested a great amount of money in Rockefeller, wasn't going to lose the chance of becoming fabulously wealthy. Another client of Mellon's, the duPont family, in addition to building companies like General Motors, was developing synthetic fibers and plastics from petroleum. Law firms like Brown Brothers Harriman handled the legal work for these and others. Media giants like the Hearsts were more than happy to join the ranks of the filthy rich by putting out whatever their cronies said was news. These people had absolutely no concern for the health and well-being of society at large. Indeed, the less the average man knew, the better for the rich man. Strangely enough, it was many of these same people who were responsible for the illegalization of Hemp/Marijuana.

Hemp, the plant that humans have used for several millenia, and the industry that provided the best in cloth, rope and oil, was on hard times. Hemp, though growing luxuriously throughout America's farmland, was extremely labor-intensive. Until the availability of the Decorticator, Hemp had to be harvested in large part by hand. American industry needed more than Hemp could produce in this way.

The Decorticator came on the scene in 1935. Hemp was on its way once again. That is, until those in the petroleum industry saw a problem: Fuel could be made from Hemp that would burn cleaner, much more effieciently, and with a greater supply than crude petroleum oil. Rudolph Diesel had built his famous engine intending it to burn vegetable oil, mainly Hemp. Hemp was already well known for its lubricating ability, which was of importance to the young aviation industry. Hemp oil in an aircraft engine doesn't break apart chemically at high altitudes like petroleum did. Now with the Decorticator a reality, Hemp was on its way ... again.

Hemp, as I'm sure you know, is in the same family as Marijuana ... the flower tops and leaves of other species of Cannabis Savita L. It was smoked freely, in the form of Hashish, in many fairs. Hash dens were popular in America's bigger cities. But Blacks and Hispanics were known to smoke the dried flowers and leaves. Jazz musicians of the period were known smokers of "Reefer." The Big Oil folks and their cronies found an excuse to drive Hemp away: Claim all sorts of bad things about Marijuana; don't make a distinction between Hemp and Marijuana so the average person won't know what they had grown up with would be taken away. Do this by playing on White America's racism. Scare them by claiming Marijuana would drive you insane or lead you to more insidious drugs like Heroin and Cocaine. By 1936, "Reefer Madness" was well played. Well played enough to cause Congress to pass the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. Hemp was crippled. Big oil was safe.

Meanwhile, Adolph Hitler was building Germany into a war machine with the same American industrialists that wanted to ban Hemp! Hitler had no oil. Rockefeller did. With the help of the greedy, Hitler got his oil. We know the rest of the Hitler story.

After World War II, our intelligence community turned its attention to the Soviet Union. They sought to use former Nazi intelligence agents as well as other Nazis against the Russians. By 1955, over ten thousand former Nazis, many of them war criminals, were brought into the United States and put into our Central Intelligence Agency. They brought their hatred, their inhuman experiments and their willingness to subjugate all for the greater good of National Socialism. With the help of America's right wing, they became entrenched. Their policies still rule America today.

The prohibition of Hemp/Marijuana was fallout-part of a much bigger picture of control of the American citizen. Total control over what we read, see, hear, eat, and smoke. The policies that led to Marijuana prohibition are the same policies that have taken away rights that true Americans hold dear.

This piece is a chronology of the events of the 20th century, into the first days of the 21st century. Because of the "War On (Some) Drugs" Americans now stand to lose all of our freedoms. It is a very complex concept. When you look at the inter-related elements in their historical context, you begin to see how and why the government we have now is bogus.

This is far from complete. It may never be finished. In some instances, only those involved in the government shenanigans have the actual proof, and they certainly aren't going to share it with us. In other cases, the proof is available. I use it where I can. In still other instances, to quote Bob Dylan, "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." For instance, the full Warren Commission report into the assassination of President Kennedy won't be released for 100 years. If some serious crimes weren't being covered up, why wait so long?

I didn't start out to rewrite history. I started this project as a simple time line to keep Randy's and my research straight, because there was so much material! The timeline took on a life of its own. It is a companion-piece to Randy's excellent "Shadow of the Swastika".

If you wish to replicate or further investigate any of this, and I urge you to do so, I provide the bibliography. Over the past seven years, I have checked and cross checked, and researched and confirmed any and all available sources on this information. As I said earlier, some of the proof is too well protected for anyone to get at right now. Which in and of itself speaks ill for a supposedly free society.


© 2000 by H. Neal Smith

Please respond to: tnsmith44@sbcglobal.net

Permission is granted to copy in whole or part
as long as proper source credit is prominently displayed.

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