Two Extracts From the CD-ROM
Psilocybian Mushroom Cultivation:
A Brief History

by John W. Allen and Jochen Gartz PhD

The full title of this CD-ROM is Psilocybian Mushroom Cultivation: A Brief History Regarding the Contemporary Use, Cultivation and Marketing of Psilocybian Mushrooms. The authors, John W. Allen and Dr Jochen Gartz, are among the leading authorities on psychoactive mushrooms.

On this CD-ROM you can find a historical review of the scientific and underground cultivation of the famous Mexican mushroom species ("Teonanacatl") and other psychoactive fungi including the European species for the first time. With a foreword by Jonathan Ott.

Here are two extracts from this CD-ROM (reproduced here by permission of the authors):

This CD-ROM can be ordered from the Treibhaus Grow- and Freakshop, Frankfurter Str. 153, 34121 Kassel, Germany, Tel: +49 (0)5612 4305, Fax: +49 (0)5612 85912,

Also available from the same source, and by the same authors, is the CD-ROM Teonanácatl: A Bibliography of Entheogenic Fungi (Teonanácatl: Eine Bibliographie der psychoactiven Pilze).

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