CIA Main Page
Links to Further Documents
Concerning the CIA
(for those few who want to know
what it really is and does) For years we have tried to stop the abuses and usurpations by all legal means: elections, demonstrations, legislation, and litigation. 10 years ago, 355 people were arrested blocking CIA headquarters in Langley (NYT 4/28/87). The CIA criminals and their protectors are immune and all powerful. They are part of the largest industry in the world: drugs, which has a stranglehold on the economy, on civil society and on the body politic. Now is the time for people of conscience to commit their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to free humanity from the greatest form of slavery ever devised in the history of mankind. — Dick Ochs
All pages of links are subject to link rot. There is no guarantee that the documents referenced in this page will be around for long. Quite a few documents previously referenced have now disappeared. If you find anything of particular interest then it is recommended that you save it to disk.
Recently Added Links
Here are links added recently, most recent at the top:
- CIA Whistleblower Found Guilty of Leaking Vault 7 Documents to WikiLeaks
- F. William Engdahl: The Long Arm of the CIA: Behind Russia's Ukraine War
- Still No Answers On The CIA's Unconstitutional Mass Surveillance Of Americans
- "Intelligence Coup Of The Century": CIA Ran Global Spy Op Using Well-Known Swiss Encryption Company
Was it CIA or NSA? See Wayne Madsen's Crypto AG: The NSA's Trojan Whore?, an article published in 2001 or earlier, which does not mention the CIA.
- Philip Giraldi: John Brennan's CIA Trump Task Force — Could it become Obamagate?
- Mae Brussell: OPERATION CHAOS: The CIA's War Against the Sixties Counter-Culture — A 1976 article by the grandmother of all modern conspiracy theorists.
- Whitney Webb: How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare (2019-09-06)
- Whitney Webb: Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case (2019-07-18)
In the U.S. alone, the CIA operated numerous sexual blackmail operations throughout the country, employing prostitutes to target foreign diplomats in what the Washington Post once nicknamed the CIA’s “love traps.” If one goes even farther back into the U.S. historical record it becomes apparent that these tactics and their use against powerful political and influential figures significantly predate the CIA and even its precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In fact, they were pioneered years earlier by none other than the American Mafia.
Edward Curtin: The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times
- Dmitri Orlov: Military Defeat as a Financial Collapse Trigger
- Dr Sue Arrigo: Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry
- Sharyl Attkisson: CIA's 'surveillance state' is operating against us all
Maybe you once thought the CIA wasn’t supposed to spy on Americans here in the United States. ... Over time, the CIA upper echelon has secretly developed all kinds of policy statements and legal rationales to justify routine, widespread surveillance on U.S. soil of citizens who aren’t suspected of terrorism or being a spy.
- A “Holy War” [by the CIA] Against China
- Ukraine MH-17 is CIA False Flag and It Ain‘t Flying
- Ron Paul: Haspel is Not the Problem. The CIA is the Problem.
- "Their Lives Were Ruined": Victims Of CIA MK-Ultra Brainwashing Plan Class‑Action Suit
- Happy Birthday CIA: 7 Truly Terrible Things The Agency Has Done In 70 Years
- CIA Assassination Manual (1953)
- Sorcha Faal: Russia Identifies Las Vegas Shooter As CIA Arms Pilot As Israel Probes Stolen Weapons Flight To Nevada
- Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights
- John Judge: The Black Hole of Guyana — The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre
- Assange: 'Only 1 percent' of the CIA material has been published
- Federico Pieraccini: A CIA Cyber False Flag
New revelations from Wikileaks’ ‘Vault 7’ leak shed a disturbing light on the safeguarding of privacy. Something already known and largely suspected has now become documented by Wikileaks. It seems evident that the CIA is now a state within a state, an entity out of control that has even arrived at the point of creating its own hacking network in order to avoid the scrutiny of the NSA and other agencies.
- Wikileaks Unveils ‘Vault 7’: "The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents"
- Snowden: What The Wikileaks Revelations Show Is "Reckless Beyond Words"
The fallout from the Wikileaks' "Vault 7" release this morning of thousands of documents demonstrating the extent to which the CIA uses backdoors to hack smartphones, computer operating systems, messenger applications and internet-connected televisions, will be profound.
- Interview with DHS Insider re PedoGate — Victurus Libertas interviews a DHS insider re the CIA, Israel, Russia, Trump and PedoGate
- Larry Chin: The CIA’s “Deep State”, Donald Trump and His “War on Terrorism”
The CIA is a headquarters of the Deep State and the Shadow Government. It is the nexus of criminality, and of the Bushes and Clintons, and the world-managing elite. The CIA enjoys a virtually unlimited black budget and virtually unlimited power that is beyond the reach of law, and beyond the control of the White House.
- The CIA’s “Phoenix Program” in Vietnam and the “War on Terror”
— Hugo Turner reviews Doug Valentine’s book
- Michael S. Rozeff: Abolish The CIA
Every American who looks at the CIA objectively or in a balanced way and judges it by any number of criteria, such as moral, legal and pragmatic, should reach the conclusion that the CIA should be abolished. ... The CIA war on Trump shows us immediately that the CIA is a rogue organization within the U.S. government and a severe threat to America.
The CIA is an organization that perpetually undermines traditional American values and moral values. It consistently kills innocent people. It continually causes instability and wars. It undermines other societies and our own. It interferes constantly in foreign nations, to the detriment of them and us. It is an unelected power that challenges elected officials. It favors abuses of power, including torture. Its actual value at generating usable intelligence is minimal, often wrong, often misleading, inaccurate and harmful as in the WMD that were never found in Iraq.
- CIA Releases 13 Million Pages Of Declassified Documents: Include Psychic Experiments, UFO Research
[and] info on Nazi war crimes, the Cuban Missile Crisis, UFO sightings, human telepathy ("Project Stargate") and much more.And what about the files on the JFK assassination, MK Ultra, the murder of Frank Olson, heroin and cocaine smuggling, money laundering, Operation Phoenix and the CIA death squads in Central America? Oh, sorry, those files are not "secret", they're "top secret".
- Douglas Valentine's new (2017) book: THE CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME — How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World
We live in a world increasingly fearful of terrorism and catalyzed by programmed events and developments whose sources are often unclear. This book provides insight into the paradigmatic approaches evolved by CIA decades ago in Vietnam which remain operational practices today in Afghanistan, El Salvador, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and elsewhere. ...A common theme is the CIA’s ability to deceive and propagandize the American public through its impenetrable government-sanctioned shield of official secrecy and plausible deniability. Though investigated by the Church Committee in 1975, CIA praxis then continues to inform CIA praxis now. Valentine tracks its steady infiltration into practices targeting the last population to be subjected to the exigencies of the American empire: the American people.
- F. William Engdahl (2016-11-04): The Real Huma-gate Crime is the Muslim Brotherhood!
- Interview with Colonel Fletcher Prouty
EIR counter-intelligence editor Jeff Steinberg interviewed [in 1992] (ret) Colonel Fletcher Prouty about aspects of the Cold War he had participated in, as written in his book The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy. Topics Mr. Prouty covers are the Cairo Conference, the preparation for the Cold War in the waning years of WW2, the conditions set up for the Vietnam conflict, the Bay of Pigs, the creation of the chaotic mess in South Vietnam, the Kennedy assassination, and President Johnsons deathbed confession.
- John Pilger: The forgotten coup — how America and Britain crushed the government of their 'ally', Australia
- CIA chief’s emails exposed: Key things we learned from WikiLeaks’ Brennan dump
- Rumors Persist That The CIA Helps Export Opium From Afghanistan (Rumors?)
Republished at Zero Hedge here (see also the comments).
- Who is Obstructing the MH17 Investigation?
- Ron Paul: CIA is a Secret Government Way Out of Control
- F. William Engdahl (2015-05-15): What if Putin is Telling the Truth?
Not long after the CIA and Saudi Intelligence-financed Mujahideen had devastated Afghanistan at the end of the 1980’s, forcing the exit of the Soviet Army in 1989, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union itself some months later, the CIA began to look at possible places in the collapsing Soviet Union where their trained “Afghan Arabs” could be redeployed to further destabilize Russian influence over the post-Soviet Eurasian space. ...The CIA used a dirty tricks veteran, General Richard Secord, for the operation ... [which] initiated the military coup that toppled elected president Abulfaz Elchibey that year and installed Heydar Aliyev, a more pliable US puppet. ...
The most intense phase of the Chechen wars wound down in 2000 only after heavy Russian military action defeated the Islamists. It was a pyrrhic victory, costing a massive toll in human life and destruction of entire cities. The exact death toll from the CIA-instigated Chechen conflict is unknown. Unofficial estimates ranged from 25,000 to 50,000 dead or missing, mostly civilians.
The CIA is evil.
- Finian Cunningham (2014-04-30): Is Merkel a CIA Asset?
The apparent betrayal of German national interests by Chancellor Angela Merkel is not only evident over the recent industrial spying scandal on behalf of America. The slavish pursuit by Merkel of Washington's anti-Russian policy over Ukraine — in contradistinction to her country's national interests — also cogently suggests that the chancellor is serving a foreign master.
- Dave Hodges: The Target Date for America’s Depopulation Has Been Set (And don't miss the related List of Countries Forecast 2025.)
- Moti Nissani (2015-02-28): Who Killed Boris Nemtsov?
In all likelihood, the February 27 assassination of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov is part of the CIA’s campaign of discrediting Russian President Vladimir Putin and destablizing the nuclearly-armed Russian Federation.
- Richard Becker (2015-02-04): CIA carried out terrorist bombing in Syria’s capital — Why are they claiming it now?
- Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich and Press TV (2015-01-14): Was The CIA Behind Paris Attack?
- Papers, Please! (2015-01-12): Wikileaks publishes CIA reports on travel ID checks
- Boko Haram is a CIA Covert Operation — Wikileaks
- Wayne Madsen (2014-12-20): How the CIA Launched the "Financial Pearl Harbor" Attacks on Russia and Venezuela
- William Engdahl (2014-12-20): CIA : Fracking Saudi Arabia to Bring Down Russia and Venezuela
- Leaked CIA Manual Shows How Operatives Get Through Airport Security Without Blowing Their Cover
- The Senate intelligence committee's report on CIA torture — read the document
- CIA torture report: the key findings
- Rectal rehydration and waterboarding: the CIA torture report's grisliest findings
More links to pages concerning the CIA's torture program here.
- Noam Chomsky: The Leading Terrorist State (the USA, that is)
- Bought Journalism (2014-09-30) — A book by an insider reveals that the German press is bought by the CIA for the purpose of manipulating the news.
- Wayne Madsen (2014-08-30): All Factors Point to CIA Aerially Assassinating Brazilian Presidential Candidate
- RT (2014-08-11): Germany expels CIA Berlin chief over NSA spying
- Vice News (2014-08-02): The Senate Is Not Happy That the CIA Censored Its Report on CIA Torture
Two officials with access to the declassified executive summary [said] that some of the redactions allegedly pertain to the manner in which the detainees were held captive, and to certain torture techniques that were not among the 10 “approved” methods contained in a Justice Department legal memo commonly referred to as the “torture memo.” The officials said the never before–revealed methods, which in certain instances were “improvised,” are central to the report because they underscore the “cruelty” of the program.
- RT (2014-04-14): White House confirms CIA director [Brennan] visited Ukraine over weekend
- Keith Maart (2014-04-14): The Boston Marathon Bombing One Year Later: A Detailed Look at the Vast Failures, Falsehoods and Cover-ups of the FBI and CIA
- Operation Gladio
Not only were these armies kept secret from the official governmental structures of the host countries — falling instead under the auspices of the CIA and MI6— but compelling evidence emerged in the 90s to show that they went a long way beyond this original remit [namely, remaining dormant after 1945 and being activated in the event of a Soviet land invasion] and participated in anti-democratic agitation and even terrorist atrocities.
- CRYPTOCOMB — Stuff that the CIA would prefer you didn't know anything about.
- Rumor: Michael Hastings reporting on CIA before death
- Secrecy & Government Bulletin, Issue Number 70, September 1997
Concerns the CIA's role (perhaps very exaggerated) in the overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 and the installation of the Shah.
- Saeed Kamali Dehghan and Richard Norton-Taylor (The Guardian, 2013-08-19): CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup
Declassified documents describe in detail how US — with British help — engineered coup against Mohammad Mosaddeq.
- Carl Bernstein: The CIA and the Media
How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up.
- Project OPUS
is claimed to be a joint program operated by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency, beginning in the late 1990s or early 2000s, though its existence has not been officially confirmed. The project allegedly enlisted students, criminals, and other people who do not fit the profile of standard CIA recruits.That was what that page showed on February 13, 2005. But some Wikipedia troll "cleaned up" the page and now it no longer mentions the CIA. Another case of censorship at Wikipedia.
- The Dangers of Wikipedia
- MI6 (w. Mossad, CIA) Are The Lords Of The Global Drug Trade
- John Bart Gerald: Against the killing of Anwar al-Aulaqi & others
- Marcello Mega: CIA Involvement: Police chief: Lockerbie evidence was faked
CIA planted tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.
- William Blum: Keeping Track of the Empire's Crimes
- How CIA helped Dalai Lama to end up in exile
- Denis Boneau: The Science of World Domination
- Mark Mazzetti, IHT, 2007-12-22: CIA intentionally impeded Sept. 11 inquiry, officials say
- Douglas Valentine: Gold Warriors — The Plundering of Asia
A review of Gold Warriors: America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold.
- Duncan Campbell: The spy who stayed out in the cold
Whatever happened to Philip Agee?
- Peter Viemeister's book Disinformation: CIA,JFK,TWA,9/11 ...
- Andre Damon: Declassified archives document ties between CIA and Nazis
- Protest Warriors: The CIA's Useful Idiots
- CIA role claim in Kennedy killing
- Bush acknowledges existence of secret CIA prisons
- James Casbolt: MI6 Are The Lords Of The Global Drug Trade
- Frank Morales: The Provocateur State: Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents" — and Global Terrorism?
- Complexities Multiply in Greek Wiretapping Scandal
- Leuren Moret: Planet Earth As Weapon and Target
- Walter C. Uhler: "Fixed" Intelligence from Feith's "Gestapo Office," the CIA and the Bush Administration's Impeachable Lies about Iraq's Prewar Links to al Qaeda
- Jason Vest: CIA veterans speak out against torture
- Roberto J. Gonzalez: CIA's Proxy Torture Undermines Law — and Our Humanity
- Oscar Heck: Chavez Frias not losing much sleep over the USA's intent to "punish" Venezuela
I believe that the DEA and other US-based organizations such as USAID, the American Center for International Labor Solidarity, the Center for International Private Enterprise, the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs are fronts for the CIA ... and that a part of the CIA's job is to assure that 1) drug exports to the USA are not halted 2) that this drug trade is controlled by the US government.
- John Hooper, UK Guardian, 2005-07-02: CIA methods exposed by kidnap inquiry
Agents' use of commercial mobiles gives Italian police detailed picture of how Muslim cleric was abducted
- Chicago Tribune, 2005-06-25: Italy charges CIA agents (Page removed. Local copy here.)
- Telegraph, UK, 2005-06-25: CIA agents wanted for imam's kidnap
An Italian judge issued warrants yesterday for the arrest of 13 people for abducting an imam [Abu Omar] for the CIA and taking him to Egypt for interrogation and torture. ... Newspaper reports said prosecutors believed that Omar was seized as part of a CIA programme in which terrorist suspects were transferred to third countries for interrogation.
- A few excerpts of the book JFK — The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty
- Gary North: The Hidden History of the Nixon Take Down
- Phil Brennan: Watergate and Deep Throat — Shattering the Myths
- Deep Throat: A Felt response and More on Mark Felt, Deep Throat, and Bennett Was the CIA behind Watergate?
- The George Joannides Coverup
- Extraterrestrial Politics in the Clinton White House: Part 2 — Clinton's CIA Director Briefed
- Former German Minister Confirms CIA Involvement In 911
- Articles critical of the CIA This page also has many CIA-related links.
- Amalgam Virgo Exercise + Co. (The Secret Terror Excercises) (Also here.)
- A Truly Spooky Story
- Tom Flocco: Gonzalez confirmation hearing ignored US/Jordan torture links and legislative junket to Israel to witness 'anti-terror' exercizes
- Wayne Madsen: Karl Rove's White House "Murder, Inc."
- Maureen Farrell: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the Manchurian Candidate
The CIA and Drugs
- Mike Whitney: Is the CIA behind Mexico's Bloody Drug War?
- Daniel Hopsicker: EU Officials: Investigate CIA Plane Used in Renditions Caught with 4 Tons of Cocaine
The CIA Drug Plane Scandal grew exponentially last week when European Union officials broke an official 40-year-long silence on the previously-taboo subject of the CIA's worldwide involvement in drug trafficking.
- Michael C. Ruppert: The Democratic Party's Presidential Drug Money Pipeline
If there are three "branches" of government today they are the banks and financial institutions, the government as enforcer, and the criminal syndicates. There is no rule of law, there is only the rule of money.
- William Blum: The CIA, Contras, Gangs, and Crack
It was human folly for the UNITED STATES to empower an agency of government to specifically break its own laws. The CIA and the Constitution thereafter became mortal enemies — until the day one will overpower the other in a final victory. Will we be a nation under law or a nation under law breakers?The CIA undermines and assassinates popular leaders abroad — and at home — and fixes elections abroad — and at home. This organization that routinely gets away with murder finds little challenge dominating the world's narcotics trade. By reliable estimates the U.S. CIA and DOD usher in half of the narcotics that come into this country. The very same persons responsible for massive drug trafficking advocate "toughening" the drug laws that alone make this trade so obscenely profitable.
This site reveals:
- The specifics of the extensive corruption in the Central Intelligence Agency, and the harm inflicted upon millions of innocent people in the United States and overseas.
- The broad extent of the coverups, disinformation, and obstruction of justice by virtually every government check and balance, and most of the broadcast and print media.
- The true heroes in America (no, not the ball players or OJ!), and how they suffered for exercising courage and responsibilities so tragically absent in the general population.
- America's "political" prisoners, including agents and operatives of the FBI, DEA, INS, and CIA, and concerned citizens, who are victims of retaliation and who suffer great financial and personal harm, for daring to expose CIA and other government corruption.
- The grave harm inflicted upon innocent people, a part of the escalating corruption inflicted upon innocent Americans.
- How to think and speak like an expert on the complex web of intrigue known only to a selected few insiders.
- The knowledge needed to protect yourself and to minimize the personal, physical and financial harm that are being inflicted upon Americans throughout the United States.
- The truth about the drugging of America and the phony drug war, from government agents who either discovered the drug trafficking, or were part of it .
- The felony coverups by one of the most corrupt of all federal agencies, the U.S. Department of Justice and its various divisions.
- Examples of how federal judges, and even the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, are criminally involved in coverups, obstruction of justice, retaliating against government agents and citizens who seek to report the corruption that they discovered.
- The significance of these conditions upon the United States, its government institutions, the American people, and you.
- John Ashton: US Government Still on Ropes Over Lockerbie
In return for the Syrians using their influence to free the remaining American hostages, the CIA helped them to safely transport their heroin on transatlantic flights.- Dangerous Allies: U.S. Helps Mexico's Army Take Big Anti-Drug Role
- C.I.A., Crack, the Media — an editorial from The Nation magazine.
In defending the story many months ago, however, Ceppos insisted that "the key finding of the series that people associated with the C.I.A. also sold many tons of cocaine has not been challenged." It still hasn't.
- Michael C. Ruppert: Fifty Years of the CIA Dealing Drugs to Americans
Cocaine Import Agency
This web site is a valuable source of information concerning the "war on drugs" as a strategy of "disciplinary social control", with particular attention to the involvement of the CIA in the importing of cocaine and its distribution in urban America.
- The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2, including:
- Deirdre Griswold: 'White lies' about the drug war in Colombia
- MENA/IRAN-CONTRA — Starr Investigation Targets Law Enforcement Complicity
- The Silk Roads and Cecil Rhodes, a page of links to some interesting web pages, including:
- John Stanton: Drugs, the CIA and Faustian Alliances
- Victor Thorn: Vietnam, the CIA's Illegal Drug Trafficking, and JFK's Assassination
- Guerrilla News Network's Interview with Christopher Simpson
The CIA's operational directorate, in other words that's their covert operations, para-military, dirty tricks — call it whatever you want — has for at least 40 years that we can document paid for a significant amount of its work through the sales of heroin and cocaine.
- Andrew G. Marshall: Afghan heroin & the CIA
This report is about American and British involvement in the Afghan drug trade in opium, focusing on the history of such involvement, and the nature of the drug trade since the 2001 occupation of Afghanistan. Today, Afghanistan supplies "more than 90 per cent of the world's illicit opium, from which heroin is made," so who's profiting from the trade?
- Prof. Peter Dale Scott: Obama and Afghanistan: America's Drug-Corrupted War
... the aim of all U.S. anti drug campaigns abroad has never been the hopeless ideal of eradication. The aim of all such campaigns has been to alter market share: to target specific enemies and thus ensure that the drug traffic remains under the control of those traffickers who are allies of the state security apparatus and/or the CIA.
- Washington's Blog, 2012-05-27: Top U.S. Government Officials Admit that Our Government Has Repeatedly Protected Drug Smugglers
Watch the Following Videos, and Decide For Yourself ...
- Under the Mask of the War on Drugs — Lars Schall interviews Oliver Villar, author (with Drew Cottle) of Cocaine, Death Squads, and the War on Terror: US Imperialism and Class Struggle in Colombia.
LS: So the CIA is in the drug trade something like the middle-man for the financial sector?OV: Yes, I think that analogy would be quite useful. As a middle-man, as a liaison and enforcer, and as also a communicator between these various criminal elements before the drug trade shapes itself into a form that is both beneficial and subservient to US imperialism.
The "Dark Alliance" Series
- The late Gary Webb's three-part "Dark Alliance" Series:
- Day 1 (1996-08-18): Role of CIA-linked agents a well-protected secret until now
Colombia-San Francisco Bay Area drug pipeline helped finance CIA-backed Contras
For the better part of a decade, a Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a Mercury News investigation has found.This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the "crack" capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America — and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy automatic weapons.
- Day 2 (1996-08-19): Shadowy origins of 'crack' epidemic
Role of CIA-linked agents a well-protected secret until now
- Day 3 (1996-08-20): War on drugs has unequal impact on black Americans
Contra case illustrates the discrepancy: Nicaraguan goes free; L.A. dealer faces life
- June 1997: What the Gary Webb Corrections Mean
- Georg Hodel: Hung Out to Dry: 'Dark Alliance' Series Dies (Also here.)
"Dark Alliance" built upon more than a decade of evidence amassed by journalists, congressional investigators and agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration who found numerous connections between the contras and drug traffickers. Some of that evidence was compiled in a Senate report issued in 1989. Other pieces came out during the Iran-contra scandal and still more during the drug-trafficking trial of Panamanian Gen. Manuel Noriega in 1991.
But the contras were always defended by the Reagan-Bush administrations which saw the guerrillas as a necessary geo-political counterweight to the leftist Sandinista government that ruled Nicaragua in the 1980s. With a few exceptions, the mainstream media joined the White House in protecting the contras — and the CIA — on the drug-trafficking evidence.
... What's especially troubling about this new "Dark Alliance" tale is that the investigative spotlight was turned off not by the government, but by the national news media.
- CIA Admits Tolerating Contra-Cocaine Trafficking in 1980s
- 2004-12-15: Gary Webb's Death Confirmed as Suicide
There has been speculation that he may have met with foul play because he had received two gunshot wounds to the head, The Sacramento Bee reported Wednesday. ... Coroner Robert Lyons said his office had been swamped with calls. "It's unusual in a suicide case to have two shots," he said, "but it has been done in the past, and it is in fact a distinct possibility."
- Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair: CounterAttack: How the Press and the CIA Killed Gary Webb's Career
- Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary Webb Was Murdered
- Xymphora's comments on Gary Webb's assassination.
- Robert Parry: We All Failed Gary Webb
- How Crack Funded A CIA War: Gary Webb Interview On The Contras And Ronald Reagan
The CIA, MKULTRA and Timothy Leary
- Washington Post, 2001-12-16: The Coldest Warrior [page gone]
The most notorious project was MK-ULTRA, created in 1953. It was, in Gottlieb's words, intended to explore 'various techniques of behavior control in intelligence operations.' It funded an array of research, including electric-shock treatments, hypnosis and experiments designed to program or deprogram a subject's memory.- LSD and the CIA
- Jon Elliston: MKULTRA: CIA Mind Control
For many Americans, the 1950s were a docile decade. ... But for the CIA, the I Like Ike years were packed with adventure and action, much of it conducted outside of the public's view. And few programs were sheltered with more secrecy than the Agency's mind control experiments, identified together with the code-name MKULTRA. This report provides a documented overview of the CIA's controversial mind control and behavior modification experiments.- John Marks: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Chapter 4: LSD
As a 1963 [CIA] Inspector General's report stated, "Research in the manipulation of human behavior is considered by many authorities in medicine and related fields to be professionally unethical"; therefore, openness would put "in jeopardy" the reputations of the outside researchers. Moreover, the CIA Inspector General declared that disclosure of certain MKULTRA activities could result in "serious adverse reaction" among the American public.- W. H. Bowart: Timothy Leary and the CIA
And what about Leary's own statement's that he wittingly followed the directions of the CIA in the 1960's? When former CIA Director, Admiral Stansfield Turner was asked whether or not the CIA supported Timothy Leary or gave Leary LSD, he replied only, "The CIA gave it to those who were doing the research."
- Mark Riebling: Tinker, Tailor, Stoner, Spy
Was Timothy Leary a CIA Agent? Was JFK the "Manchurian Candidate"? Was the Sixties Revolution Really a Government Plot?
- Mind Control
1964 — MKULTRA became MKSEARCH. Many sub-projects stayed under MKULTRA while the most sensitive behavioral experiments went to MKSEARCH. These experiments were conducted on prisoners, terminal cancer patients and people who were described as "mental defectives."
- ACID DREAMS The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond
- FBI AND MEDIA KICK A MAN WHILE HE'S DEAD: An Open Letter from the Friends of Timothy Leary (Also here.)
Project Monarch
- Monarch Mind Control Programming
... a subsection of the CIA's Operation Artichoke which is also known as Project MK Ultra ... [involving] the sophisticated manipulation of the child's mind to protect itself from extreme trauma by creating Multiple Personality Disorder.
- Monarch Programming [This page was available via the Wayback Machine but has now been excluded.]
One of the best kept secrets in history is the Monarch Mind-control programming which uses trauma-based mind control along with state of the art mind control to create humans who are totally controlled by a handler without even knowing that they are controlled.
"Remote Viewing" at Stanford Research Institute or Illicit CIA Mind Control Experimentation?
- Cathy O'Brien: Sex, Lies and Mind Control
- Martin Cannon: Project Monarch: The Tangled Web
- Ron Patton: Project Monarch — Nazi Mind Control
- Jon Rappoport: CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children
- George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse
- Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier: The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
- Michael C. Ruppert: Bobby, I Didn't Know!
Here you will ... read an LAPD document that will convince you that CIA mind control programs to produce both assassins and patsies are real.
- James Holmes: Another MK Ultra
So CIA black Ops goons. How many more innocent people do you want to kill with your "sleepers" who get triggered through Hollywood icons?
- Jon Rappoport: Were the Batman Murders a Covert Op?
Yet More
- The CIA and the Garrison Investigation
- Operation Paperclip casefile
When the JIOA formed to investigate the backgrounds and form dossiers on the Nazis, the Nazi Intelligence leader Reinhard Gehlen met with the CIA director Allen Dulles. Dulles and Gehlen hit it off immediately. Gehlen was a master spy for the Nazis and had infilitrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network. Dulles promised Gehlen that his Intelligence unit was safe in the CIA.
- Cheddi Jagan, Michael Manley and the history of U.S. Intervention in the Caribbean
- The Psychology of Dreamland
A CIA panel convened in early 1953 had concluded that the continued reporting of UFOs by the American media posed a threat to national security for various reasons. The "Robertson Panel," as it is now known, recommended that the continued reporting of UFOs should be actively discouraged through a covertly exercised mass-media program of "training and debunking."
- Document implies U.S. role in death of journalist in Chile [page gone]
U.S. intelligence may have played an "unfortunate part" in the death of an American journalist at the hands of Chilean security forces in the days following a 1973 military coup in Chile, according to a declassified State Department document released today ... [which] relates to the killing of freelance journalist Charles Horman. He was apprehended at his home about a week after the Sept. 11, 1973, coup and transported to a stadium where suspected leftists were harbored in the chaotic aftermath of the coup that landed Pinochet in power. The document said that at best, the U.S. intelligence community's role in Horman's death "was limited to providing or confirming information that helped motivate his murder by the government of Chile."
- Happy Birthday, CIA
- Trust Us, We're Spies
- Intelligence Services Unaccountable and Out of Control?
- Jennifer Harbury / Efrain Bamaca
... a Harvard-educated lawyer whose three-year quest to find her Guatemalan husband has revealed high-level involvement between the CIA and the Guatemalan military in his capture, torture, and murder.
- Jennifer Harbury: Why are the CIA & FBI Targeting Me?
- Vladislav M. Zubok: Spy vs. Spy: The KGB vs. the CIA
- Russ W. Baker: CIA: OUT OF CONTROL
- AFFIDAVIT OF Robert M. Hayes: John Hull — Simple Rancher or U.S. Government Terrorist?
Question: If the U.S. government can bomb U.S. consulates abroad to "simulate terrorism", what might it have done with respect to the Murrah Federal Building?
- Ben C. Vidgen: A State of Terror
The Center for International Affairs ... [attempted] to promote the perception that the Soviet Union lay behind all incidents of international terrorism. Their prestige and influence was so great that when the CIA's own analysts could not find verifiable proof of a Soviet terrorist conspiracy, the CIA director, William Casey, chose to rely on the information of journalist Claire Sterling in her book, The Terror Network. "Read Claire Sterling's book and forget this mush. I paid $13.95 for this and it told me more than you bastards whom I pay $50,000 a year," responded Casey in fury. The irony was that Claire Sterling's book had used material that was in fact part of a CIA propaganda scheme.- The page of the American Federation of Scientists on the Central Intelligence Agency
A web site with much information about the CIA, maintained by the Federation of American Scientists: History, Organization and Functions, Budget, Staff, Facilities, Products, Future Directions and links to related sites.
- Chip Berlet & Linda Lotz: Reading List on Intelligence Agencies and Political Repression
Information about the activities of the CIA is available for anyone who wants to know (but it seems most people do not want to know). Here are pointers to lots of reading material for those few who wish to be informed. (Another site with this list.)
- Real History Archives
This site is designed to provide researchers [with] links and leads to finding real information about what our true history is, based on new but assuredly unpopular information.
- Jeffrey Steinberg: George Bush: Crack Kingpin of the 1980s
Former President George Bush, while serving as vice president in the Ronald Reagan administration in 1981-89, presided over a Nicaraguan Contra apparatus that was responsible for flooding the streets of Los Angeles' South Central district with crack cocaine, and fueling a murderous cycle of gang violence.
- Daniel Brandt: Philanthropists at War
- Gary Wilson: Who's the KLA? German Document Reveals Secret CIA Role
- Thirteen Techniques for Truth Suppression
- 1958: The First CIA Attempt, Chapter 2 of Deirdre Griswold's
Indonesia 1965: The Second Greatest Crime of the Century
- Dutch CIA-agent turns whistleblower
- Michael C. Ruppert: ONLY THE GODFATHER
CIA and Subsidiaries Exposed in Court Documents As Active Drug Smugglers Using Military Aircraft Washed Through Forest Service
- Nick Schou: Who Killed Col. James Sabow? Was Marine Corps Col. James Sabow the victim of a military cover-up?
- Morpheus Interviews a Former US Intelligence Agent
- Who Benefits?
One by one, you will see staged 'Islamic Terrorist' attacks throughout South East Asia. Up next Thailand. Since it would be patently ridiculous to claim that there are viable Islamic terrorist groups in Thailand the CIA/CNN lie being released into the LieScape is that Al Queda terrorists are using Thailand as a 'Safe Haven.'
- Leonard G. Horowitz: The CIA and the West Nile Virus: What New Viruses, Vaccines and Lethal Sprayings Have in Common
- Mae Brussell: The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination (Also here.)
- Carol Brouillet: A Vital Piece of the Puzzle — Dollars for Terror — The United States and Islam
- Ex-CIA agent's conviction in Libyan arms case tossed
The ruling ... said that [Edwin P.] Wilson's efforts to defend himself [against the charge that he independently sold plastic explosives to Libya] had been "contradicted by a dishonest agency memorandum issued from a bunker" at the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Va.
- Opening Remarks of Michael C. Ruppert for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
On November 15, 1996, I stood at a town hall meeting at Locke High School in Los Angeles and said to Director of Central Intelligence John Deutch, "I am a former Los Angeles Police narcotics detective. I worked South Central Los Angeles and I can tell you, Director Deutch, emphatically and without equivocation, that the Agency has dealt drugs in this country for a long time." I then referred Director Deutch to three specific Agency operations known as Amadeus, Pegasus and Watchtower.
- The Bush Body Count
There is not enough time to compile a list of the thousands who have died and will continue to die under CIA-backed government actions, or in wars started by a lust for oil or power, and fed by the bodies of young men who believed the media propaganda.
- The Missing Times : News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up
... well-known American news organizations with a history of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) cooperation in other contexts have also played a central role in shaping public perceptions about UFOs, often following guidelines spelled out by the CIA in the 1950s. In one instance, documentation confirms that the CIA played a key role in an influential CBS television "documentary" about UFOs narrated by famed newsman Walter Cronkite.
- The Pegasus File, Part I
Pegasus was established during the Eisenhower years as a secret group inside the CIA to spy on that agency on behalf of the President. At some point — believed to be after the assassination of President Kennedy — Pegasus went AWOL from direct US Government control and came under the direction of an international Board of Directors which [Chip] Tatum alleges now includes George [H. W.] Bush and Henry Kissinger.
- The Pegasus File, Part II
According to Tatum, only one figure emerged unscathed: George [H. W.] Bush, who alone retained control of $3.8 billion in laundered funds.
- Cyberhabilis: Re (1) The Pegasus File
Many of us don't believe BB [Billy Bottoms] stopped working for the gov't, why give Tatum the benefit of believing he's no longer a gov't agent?
- Michael C. Ruppert: Blood in the Water: Watergate II
... it is important to ask one question: Who or what is capable of orchestrating events to remove the Bush presidency and yet leave the US with the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, a National Security Strategy calling for pre-emptive attacks on foreign powers, Total Information Awareness, and, above all, Iraqi oil and the proceeds of Afghan heroin sales flowing through US banks?
- Ratlines:The CIA & The Nazis
- J. B. Gerald: Essay on State Terrorism
Colby, in providing some background on the murders of half a million communist Indonesian leaders, by their own Army ..., stated [that] the CIA operation to collect the names and turn the "shooting lists" over to the Army was basically the same as the Operation Phoenix he set up in Vietnam.
- The 1954 CIA Coup in Guatemala
[The] CIA catalyzed a turn for the worse, even to the inhuman, for many Latin American governments by its actions in managing the Guatemalan coup. They provided the essential weapon for the modern national security state, the knowledge of how to organize an efficient apparatus of state repression and terror.
- Sherman H. Skolnick: THE BUSH FAMILY, FLORIDA, and the AMERICAN CIA, Part One
- The Col. L. Fletcher Prouty Reference Site
In 1955 he [Col. Prouty] was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412.
- Strange Favored Treatment For Berg In OK Court — Was Nick Berg a CIA operative with a link to 9/11?
- Douglas Valentine: Torture, the CIA and the Press: Who Let the Dogs Out?
- CIA, Mossad Infiltrated Muslim Organizations
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Israeli intelligence — Mossad — have infiltrated Muslim organizations like Hamas in Palestine, Hizbullah in Lebanon and the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) in Indonesia, says an Indonesian intelligence expert. ... "It is obvious the CIA and the Mossad, assisted by the Australian Special Action Police (SAP) and the M15 of England, are all working towards undermining Muslim organizations in an attempt to weaken the Muslims globally," he charged.
- CNN, 2001-12-16: Official: CIA uses anthrax, but no link to letters
The CIA uses anthrax in its bio-warfare program ...The CIA has a bio-warfare program? Since when has the CIA been authorized to engage in biological warfare?
but the bacteria did not make it into tainted letters sent to two U.S. senators and several news organizations, an agency official said Sunday. ... a CIA official said the anthrax detected in letters sent earlier this fall "absolutely did not" come from CIA labs.The Washington Post reported Sunday that the FBI is focusing its anthrax investigation on a contractor who worked with the CIA.
But since then we've heard not a peep from the FBI as to who was responsible. Could it be that they know but won't tell us? Now why would that be?
- South Front: How the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post-WWII was Bought and Paid for by the CIA
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